Originally Posted by LeslieN
Is it possible that the disabilities could skew results of the WISC IV? Is there such a thing as mildly gifted? Does anyone have any comments on what they would do with my kid if they were me? Suggestions about retesting or homeschooling? I am new at all of this. Thank you!!

My 2E son's first IQ score was in the double digits, so yes, learning disabilities can definitely mess with WISC IV scores.

Has your son had vision therapy? If not, that is where I'd start. Also google "stealth dyslexia" to see if it fits. Also, if he has ADHD (or ADD), medication might help his IQ score if you choose to retest.

I homeschooled my 2E son (he is HGish and has dyslexia and ADHD) for ten years. He is now 16 and will be entering the local community college full time in a few weeks to study engineering. It has been a long road, but homeschooling was the only way to give him the challenge he needed while working on his weaknesses.