Originally Posted by LeslieN
Is it possible that the disabilities could skew results of the WISC IV? Is there such a thing as mildly gifted? Does anyone have any comments on what they would do with my kid if they were me? Suggestions about retesting or homeschooling? I am new at all of this. Thank you!!

Oh yes, absolutely.

I'm somewhat in the same boat with my DS8: ADHD, language disorder, strabismus, binaural integration imbalance (a piece of CAPD). Our psychologist couldn't even calculate his IQ because his behaviours interfered with testing so much. She flat out said the cognitive scores (average except for perceptual reasoning, which was above average) were wrong. She went as far as to write this in the report "due to his difficulties with language processing and his inability to sustain attention, the current results are not representative of (DS8)'s true cognitive potential."

I'm not sure about "mildly" gifted... as far as I know, gifted starts at 130 as "moderately" (I could certainly be wrong though).

I supplement DS8 after school, and he's ok with it. He actually enjoys being pulled from the class and working one-on-one with me (which we do once or twice a month, with his teacher's blessing). He's in French Immersion and I don't want him to miss too much French or I'd do this more often.

We're sort of in a different situation in that my son is being challenged at school because he's in language immersion and he has a language processing disorder... but it sounds to me like your son could use some extra challenge.

You could retest, I suppose, but find a tester who is experienced with 2e/ADHD (like, could he have frequent breaks during testing?)

We're not considering retesting at this point. If he wants to he can as an adult, or maybe we'll revisit the idea when he's in high school.

Anyway, I just wanted to chime in and say that absolutely testing can be wrong, even for kids who don't have disabilities. You're a better judge of his level than a one time assessment.

Last edited by CCN; 03/07/13 06:27 PM.