Sorry Val- My original post was not very clear.

The school administration has suggested that by the time she gets to 7th grade (the year after next), our middle school may not be a good fit for her. They are known for being very inflexible. It was suggested that she could possibly be bused to the high school part time, but stay at the middle school for PE, etc., then for 8th grade be at the high school full time. The partial skip could provide a transition for her. So, it wouldn't necessarily be one big jump. I am grateful that they are willing to be creative to meet her needs. I just worry about the social aspects. And, maybe there will be some big developmental changes in the next year or so. I also worry about the boy situation... There are no easy answers! My youngest child is gifted as well, but is in the mild/moderate range. She is perfectly happy in her gifted classes and is much more comfortable in her own skin.

Another issue- I teach at the high school. This could be good, could be bad.