Your question is hard to answer. Each kid is different, and without knowing your daughter and her environment, it's impossible to give an answer specific to your situation.

To be sure I understand, you're you saying that she's going to skip all of middle school and go to high school next year (wasn't clear from your message)? Skipping that many grades at once could be a big deal emotionally and academically, but I don't know because I don't know your situation.

That said, there are some realities. For example, high school kids are partway through puberty and 11-year-olds aren't. High school kids are also a lot older than an 11-year-old and they won't forget this.

I would advise thinking very carefully about all sides of this possible skip or set of skips. What are the pros and cons? How would you weight each one? What's your daughter's opinion? What will you do about college? Etc.