Hmm-- well, our experience is that they (especially girls) change a LOT in the years between 9 and 13.

So that psychomotor OE may well evolve into something else by then, or be tempered by other characteristics.

My DD was similarly "pesky" or "barely tolerated" by older peers at this age-- and it has become MUCH improved in the past year or so as her physical maturation has picked up a bit. (She blends better visually, in other words.)

She doesn't really have a problem when the basis for a social activity is something that they can all participate in fully. For example, in theater, everyone has individual strengths, etc. In a group dedicated to community service, similarly, diversity is valued. Age doesn't dictate those things.

On the other hand, boys-boys-boys become a pretty big deal among girls who are middle and high-school aged, and THAT can be a real challenge for younger girls who just aren't into that scene (or for the parents of girls that precociously want to BE into it).

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.