Originally Posted by ABQMom
Originally Posted by Bostonian
Originally Posted by ABQMom
If you are leaving, scorched earth can really come back to bite you, so I'd take a high ground.
I'm sure that's true, and that's why my wife tells me not to rock the boat. But there is a collective action problem here. If no parent is willing to publicly criticize the schools, even when justified, the schools have little reason to change. They can tell themselves they are doing a great job and that parents are happy.

Oh, believe me, I'm speaking from experience. I've gone all scorched earth for that reason more than once, ecause I tend to hold the same philosophy as you. But I do think you have to be aware of the consequences beforehand and decide accordingly.

Scorched earth won't make them realize they are wrong since you are just one person, one family, BUT positive advocacy can change a whole lot for many gifted kids if you join or organize a parent advocacy group for gifted children! A wise mom who served on the board of directors for the National Association for Gifted Children said this (quote/paraphrase), "Individually we struggle to be heard, but collectively, we cannot be ignored."

I am leading the organization of a parent advocacy group and we have nearly 200 interested parents just in one county. That's a whole lot of impassioned voices to
advocate for and make positive changes in gifted education. We are pulling our gifted child out of school to homeschool (the principal of the school doesn't buy that gifted kids have special needs), but I don't feel so alone; I have 200 people that support me!