Polarbear, what are the hallmarks of dyspraxia? Who diagnoses it? My DS has had a few evals now, sees an OT regularly, etc.... No one has ever mentioned dyspraxia though it seems like he does have some of the symptoms of it. Are there specific tests for it?

Some things I am thinking about doing:

I am thinking I am going to take all of his testing and evals to a neuropsychologist and get her 'take' - so to speak. I am not sure he can go through anymore testing at this point. He gets evals and testing for the vision every so many months too and I think he is getting burned out on testing. And I do want him to do a WISC for the school psych in the spring so I can see if there is any improvement in working memory, processing speed and visual-spatial that I can maybe correlate with the year of OT twice a week and vision therapy. I think the school psych did a pretty thorough battery of tests and included a lot of observations, etc. that a neuropsych could use to look at and see what if anything jumps out at her.

I was also thinking that over the summer he could do a program at one of those LearningRx places http://www.learningrx.com/main-line/. I know it's a gamble but they seem to work specifically on strengtheing DS' areas of weakness processing and memory. Anyone have any opinion on a program like that? I'd just hate to see his low working memory and processing skills hold him back (and if the cause isn't ADD, what else could I do to help him, ykim?). Seems to me that those (WM and processing skills) would be pretty important for success in school just in general. Anyway, it's expensive - very expensive so it's just a thought right now.

ETA: I guess there is always the possiblity that DS is simply developing asynchronously and his WM and Processing skills will catch up with time. Another reason to see if there is improvement in those specific areas from last year's WISC - again give me an idea if with time and therapies those areas are improving.

Last edited by marytheres; 02/15/13 09:22 AM.