Zen, do you think I should go to his neuro-muscular doc and talk to her about that? see if she'll reconsider giving him an MRI? She knew about my suspicions of dyslexia/dysgraphia at the time (he hadn't been diagnosed), she had diagnosed the hypotonia two years ago, and I told her about the vision issue. We actually specifically went because I also though these were all related... She didn't deny that they probably were but she thinks the way he is functioning is so high that the damage is minor and not worth the risks and troubles of sedating for an MRI. I am not big on sedation either ... he's never been. She said "yeah it'd be interesting I am sure there is some minor damage (throw in some terminology) but he's doing great - continue wit the therapies and get the dyslexia/dysgraphia diagnosed so he can get help with that." I am paraphrasing....