The early elementary years are really *really* tough for 2e kids - they are often feeling lost, different, and overwhelmed by their challenges, and yet they are bored with the things that aren't impacted by their challenges - the level of discussion in the classroom etc. It's a tough tough time and there's really not much to do other than slog through it. Please know that the support, help, accommodations, remediation, advocating - everything your are doing for your son, he is soaking in - he may not be consciously aware of it yet, but when he's older he's going to know inherently that you were always there for him and that you did the *everything* for him that he needed.
It's hard to see it at this point in the journey, but things really do get easier as our kids get older. They become more self-aware, and that helps. The accommodations and remediation and all the hard work start to kick in, and that helps. He'll get to a point where he's able to cope enough with the challenges that his bright intellect will start to give him opportunities for more advanced school work, and that will help.
We took our ds in for counseling a few different times when he was younger. Counseling *may* be helpful, but honestly, I think for our ds the most helpful thing was just continually working at supporting him as a parent, because he really got it over time, that the one place he could be understood was at home. We didn't realize we'd get there for a long time - he had a lot of frustration and anger over school when he was little that came out in huge temper tantrums etc at home - where he was able to let it out. The huge tantrums started disappearing eventually as we started being more successful at eliminating the stress at school.
Hang in there,