Originally Posted by MorningStar
Ask to go to the 3d grade classroom once a week for math (so that she will not be scared to go once it is determined she is ready).

MorningStar, it sounds like you've got a good plan. There's one thing I'd consider on the idea of visiting the class once per week for math - and this might not be true at other schools, but at the schools my kids are at, math is taught daily and concepts build through the week - so going in just one day per week could backfire on you in two directions: one thing that could happen is your dd might not get the full explanation of concepts the other kids have had so *she* might feel a little lost and... possibly a larger issue - if the 3rd grade teacher isn't entirely on board with subject acceleration she might feel like your dd is missing things that she's not really *missing* because she isn't ready to learn it, but she's missing them simply because she isn't there when they are taught. Sooooo... I would be hesitant to send my child one day per week.

I do totally understand the idea of wanting to help ease her in without undue anxiety. I'd just consider whether or not you might find a different way to deal with it.

Best wishes,
