Thank you Puffin. I think that makes good sense. After much reading on here, I think I have decided to test (previous to learning about this forum, I was adamantly against it!) So now the question is, do I wait until he is six - Almost a full year? Also, I have no idea what this testing entails. How cooperative does boy need to be? - He varies greatly between being feisty and independent and only wanting to do things his own way-on his own time to being somewhat of a show-off and performing his best. But you can never pin it to a certain day. How long does testing take? Does he have to sit still and answer questions with a person? Or is is a computerized test? Is it written? - He is not much into writing stuff down at this age. In general what are these tests like and what sorts of things do they ask? I have no ideas whatsoever! Thanks for the help!