Well, getting a certain number doesn't have to change anything that you do. I would say it didn't really change much in our lives, except that it opened me up to a world of possibilities in terms of online classes and curricular materials that I hadn't thought to look for before.

I suppose it could change your expectations of your son. It did change mine for my daughter, but not in a bad way. She so often psyches herself out, and tells herself she can't do something. Having the various test scores is a great reality check for us both.

I guess I am saying that the info itself isn't a bad thing. It's all about what you do with it. If it helps you understand your kid better, that's good, right?

Like I said, I'm glad it wasn't on my radar sooner, but I also think it's kinda hard to bury that curiosity if it's nagging at you. If I had been bitten earlier, I probably would have tested sooner, because I found it hard to wonder and not know.

Btw, just a plug for relaxed homeschooling, at least in the early years -- even though we did so little structured stuff, dd aced that out of level SCAT test for CTY. A bright kid can learn a lot from mud pies, woods walks, and lazy afternoons reading!