First, I would definitely say I believe there is a connection to something about higher IQ/lower processing speed and fatigue...maybe the compensation or effort needed to make up for the gap or whatever is happening takes more power from them.

Also the sensory issues do take a toll - more sensitive to hearing, smelling, etc., takes more compensation to look "typical" with a group or in a setting.

I have been mentioning the noticable fatigue to teachers since K and the usual response is "alot of the kids are tired, they are very over-scheduled, have screen time that cuts into bedtime" etc. but as I always say, my DD has never been overscheduled and gets about 9-10 hours of good sleep.

How old is your son? My DD is 9. She has a very large span between IQ (verbal/peceptual reasoning) and processing speed and a large gap though less significant between those and working memory.

We had neuropsych testing scheduled for months out last spring but cancelled but are going to try again this year because though her school situation is better the fatigue issue and whatever is there does still affect her frustration level, to a lesser degree but still more than "neuro typical" peers..affected is time needed for homework, social time, and also she tends to become ill more frequently than her peers. I do think she has to compensate very much to blend which must be tiring...but we'll look into it further in case there is anything we can do for her that we're not doing.

I will say that as far as tolerance though my DD has come a long, long way since she was a preschooler/kindy. Still behind her peers as far as sensory tolerance but it does seem to get better than previous years - heading in the right direction, anyway!

Last edited by bzylzy; 01/21/13 06:23 PM.