I've started putting people who meet/work w/ DD into three categories. 1-people who get her (very low percent of people but they are the darling life-savers) 2-people who don't get her but delight in her and are relaxed 3-people who don't get her and think there is something wrong with parenting/child/both and who can drag us down if we let them - sense of humor and long-term thinking needs to especially be implemented with them if I can muster it.

This post reminded me of the principal at the school where she attended K telling me in frustration "giftedness is not a diagnosis we are accepting right now" I'm not making that up.

@ Val: regarding high processing speed and ADHD/ADD. So I'm confused because I thought low processing speed was an indication of ADD. Ah! My DD w/ low processing speed (16th percentile ish) and not so high working memory 27th percentile ish) and very high (high 90s) of the verbal and perceptual reasoning. Testers always note the outstanding block design and matrix reasoning scores, which is nice, but doesn't really help right now with school success/survival.

I think what looks like ADHD in DD is sensory issues as well as nervousness in certain situations...we were at a very cool science center yesterday and the moving around started happening. I think it's just how she acts when she is learning or taking in a tremendous amount of info.