This morning was a little better- PJ day, made her favorite breakfast, and did most things for her. Movie in the van made things easier too.
We have continuous power battles: she insists on going to school without a coat while it's freezing, we argue, and she throws the coat back into the car and runs up the school steps. She'll insist on a bath while we only have time for a quick shower, resulting in a meltdown and drawn-out bed time. I ask her to clean off the table, and she'll respond with an angry face and throw things on the floor. MOst of the time she is a very sweet, cooperative 5-year old but these emotional battles escalate between us and always end with a time-out or crying spell. I wish I knew how to defuse these situations. I don't believe we need a psychologist at this point, but any advice you may have on dealing with htis intense behavior would be wonderful. Is this intense, emotional behavior common for gifted children?