I looked up DD's grades last night since our semester will soon be over. Of course she is doing very well in all her classes, but I noticed one class was a little lower than it had been. I looked to see if maybe DD didn't get something turned in or something.
This is what I found - DD got a 2 out of 10 on something the teacher labeled "listening". I looked further and found that DD got the grade for "bad behavior in class" while the class was supposed to be listening to a video on Haiku Poetry. Now really - should teachers be grading on behavior!?! DD had told me about this incident - she had been messing with something she brought to school without our knowledge and it had been taken away.
I have a problem with this, but it didn't really bring her grade down since it was only 10 points - still I'd like to know if other students are being graded on their behavior? I don't think this is really something I need to address with the teacher or anything, but it is just frustating. I will keep an eye on this class just in case.