Wow, thank you for so many replies!
E is being disruptive in class by making noise (talking to others, talking to himself, loud yawning,etc), wandering around the classroom (sometimes walking, sometimes crawling), flicking pieces of paper, turning his worksheets into paper airplanes or drawing on them, waving his pencil around, telling the teacher he won't do the work she's asking...that's all I can remember right now. I do know he has a problem respecting personal space, but he's never hurt them on purpose.
I had suggested to the principal that if E were allowed to read a book at the first sign of trouble, that perhaps that would help (he is a voracious reader, and can sit for hours at home with a book). Apparently they tried this yesterday, and apparently he was still a huge disruption (loud talking to himself).

I didn't request the evaluation in writing, but apparently my oral request has done something because we have a meeting with the teacher and principal to start a Student Study Team, which is the first step in the process.
I'd love to say that E is much better at home, but it's not always all that great. With the 504 plan we are supposed to do school work at home (with my promise that if he finishes it we can do cool stuff, like playing with the geoboard, or electronics). This worked initially, and he charged through work that he would have balked at in the classroom. This week has been another story, though, and he's gotten almost no schoolwork or homework done. What's worse, he is belligerent towards me, which just makes me so upset.