My homeschooled son is very smart, occasionally wears all black clothing, plays video games and we have become more and more socially isolated as brace wearing and pain issues became more difficult to work around in musical theater so that he had to quit. He did not want to be involved with the one homeschool group in our area because they are not tolerant toward people who are different in any way. He had to quit scouts several years ago because of the physical issues that made hiking long distances and camping impossible.

When my son was about seven my sister insisted that he had to have Aspergers even though doctors said he didn't because he read so early and talked like a professor in addition to having a few sensory issues. If she met my husband's family she would probably think that most of them have Aspergers. My husband's sister is a geology professor and she talks like a professor. One of her kids is an engineer, the other pre-med. Another relative is married to a lawyer. They all use high level vocabulary.

But in our small town my son does not fit in and I feel like people are going to be looking at us even more than they did before. I don't think I will let him wear the black clothes for a while.