Hi, Hils,
Our DD started asking for 'more math' when she was a couple of years older than your DS, and she was lucky enough then to have a wonderful Montessori teacher who was happy to give her and a couple of other kids 'advanced' lessons that year. The next year, different teacher, nothing doing, so we still haven't found a perfect place for her, but have opted for extracurricular math enrichment. It's discussed here often, and there are some free sites, which is great. Our DD does IMACS, which we are lucky enough to have 'live' here, and she's been going to the math part for three years now and loves it. Also we've been doing EPGY on days when she has time. I'm not sure how any of it will end up fitting back into school placement, but I think it was the right thing to do for her. Hopefully she will be able to place or test out and/or do independent study if she gets back into a school that has traditional grade levels (we're still at Montessori for now, and lucky enough to be back with another great teacher, but even with a pretty small class and a philosophy of individual instruction, we couldn't realistically expect the teacher to really create a math program just for our DD especially with all the other positive stuff she's doing for DD). Good luck to you and your DS.

Last edited by Dbat; 12/04/12 06:46 AM.