
I understand what you say about feeding the anxiety and that's why the decision isn't one to be taken lightly. For other reasons as well, the trips really help them bond as friends and a class and she would be missing out on that. She has time until the trips go to 4 days and I tell her not to worry about it now, that we will cross that bridge when we get to it.

In regards to a trusted adult on the trip, that will be a hard thing to accomplish for several reasons. First off, dd is very good at hiding her anxiety to those she doesn't trust or isn't close to. Last year, when she was going to go on her very first trip she was expressing concern about it. I tried to talk to the school about it. Immediately they assumed it was 'my problem' (meaning I didn't want her to go) and I think this is b/c what usually happens, parents afraid to have their kids go on a trip. They also thought this because, on the surface, my dd hides these fears very well. Her teachers have no clue she is so anxious.

Another problem is her teacher is male so he won't be in her group. He will be around, he just won't be with her 24/7. They have parent volunteers (they sign up or are announced 1-2 weeks before the trips) and a mom will be assigned to her group. Who that is we won't know until shortly before, and she only knows one mom very closely and I know that mom can't/doesn't go because she has a toddler at home. And like I said, my dd wouldn't even share with somebody how she is feeling so they would just assume she is doing fine.

We are in counseling to help her with her anxiety since it isn't something exclusive to school trips.