Ever have one of those problems that you just can't solve when it comes to parenting your 2e kiddo?

Here's mine: grocery shopping

My son, 12, now asks to push the cart when we get groceries. I'm ashamed to admit that I'd started getting groceries when he was otherwise occupied rather than deal with the stress. No, not the stress of having to turn down requests for junk food. The stress of having to utter a litany of "please get behind me"' "please move out of the lady's way" and " they can't get by; please move in front of me". I'm talking every aisle, sometimes more than once,

I recently met with my son's psychologist who explained this was a classic Aspie issue and that if I hadn't noticed, my son was the most obedient of children, every single time I told him what to do, he did it. But the psych also explained that I had failed to explain the social rule, so he never learned it. He told me to try this: "you may only take up half of the aisle at any one time".

It worked.

I haven't had to tell him again. YEARS of stress and annoyance could have been avoided if I had only known what I was failing to do!

Thought I'd share here in case I'm not the only one.