Originally Posted by Cricket2
Originally Posted by eldertree
The fact that my son took algebra 1 honors a couple of years earlier than his agemates doesn't mean he did any less work or learned any less than did they, and by golly, he deserves the 5 points toward his GPA as much as they do.
Does your high school actually give an extra GPA point for Algebra I? My dd's school doesn't give extra GPA points for honors classes, pre-AP classes, or college classes taken while in high school. AP classes are the only ones for which they get the bonus GPA points and, in math, that doesn't occur until AP calculus or AP statistics. Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, precalc, college Algebra, and trig all do not give bonus GPA points, whether they are honors or not.

Yes, this district does. Seems like each district does things its own way. I gather colleges tend to disregard weighting in a lot of circumstances, though which colleges and which weights are variable. I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. If it's a high school class, and it's an advanced class, then it should be weighted. But then you get into the whole "what constitutes advanced?" question, and pretty soon we're talking in circles, or maybe ellipses and rhomboids.
That aside, though-- we can change it to "he deserves the 4 points toward his GPA" and the point is the same. He did the same work as someone two or three grades agead who took the same class, so he deserves the same end result (in this case, full credit and GPA points).

Edited to add: and fwiw, the counselor agreed with my previous point, so he now has full credit for all the classes he took pre-high school.

Last edited by eldertree; 11/13/12 07:31 AM.

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