When DD was young I could have never predicted how great grade skipping was for her. She skipped 1st and from day one was thrilled about it and didn't have any trouble with social issues. It was still too easy, but the newness of the skip made things more exciting.
In 4th grade she subject accelerated into an 8th grade class for geometry. At the end of 4th the administration suggested she skip 5th as it was too easy and 6th grade would rotate teachers.
She just checked her grade for this term for 6th grade and it's all A+ including the high school class she takes -- algebra 2. It's so easy for her.
Socially it's going so well I really don't think it could be better.
She is a very tiny girl just turned 9 and only 49 inches tall and still wears 13 toddler shoes. To see her stand next to these kids you just don't see the fit, but they readily accept her and she has a ton of friends. They instagram, kik, text constantly.
She's now girl's "besties" which I find so hilarious, since she been in their class a whole 2 months. She is never bothered by regular social issues or making friends because it's almost like a hobby. Going to a new place and making instant friends no matter where you are. For this type of person grade skipping is really easy.
The other thing we were worried about was PE. She was horribly uncoordinated and couldn't run at all when she was younger. She started doing 5Ks when she was 6yo and she's really built up her stamina and coordination. So much so that she passed her physical tests in PE by miles often beating most of the 11 yos in the class. It's amazing how things can improve in only a few years time. What once was a weakness actually turned into a strength.
It's very individual. DD has the maturity and the determination for grade skipping. She always wanted it and always told me she would succeed.
DS6 is a totally different personality and for now we don't want him skipping at all.
Last edited by lmp; 11/11/12 06:44 AM.