I'd really love to hear your perspective, both good and bad, on acceleration. DS5 is in Kindergarten but is minimum 2nd grade level in math and reading. He doesn't like to write so that is lagging a bit, but coming along. I've been against considering a grade skip due to that fact that he has an early August birthday and hence is already one of the youngest in his class.
Today an old friend posted that her son, not quite 2 1/2 months older, would be starting 1st grade on Monday and it started me thinking again. What is best for DS5? I know at the moment the school probably would not entertain the issue because they have yet to test him to his instructional level in reading and not at all in math, despite my requests. The math coordinator keeps saying that the math assessments will be done soon, probably only including K level, and I have not heard back from reading support regarding further testing. I'm trying to be patient and work things out once they have the info they think they need. The problem is how to try to work things out. I'm very concerned about the social aspect of grade skipping but I wonder if it is as big an issue as I make it out to be.
Help! This is all so frustrating and confusing.