Originally Posted by ultramarina
DD8 has finally surrendered to Harry Potter. We have the books, but some other items might be fun if there is something neat out there. Her main request is a digital camera, so I need a rec there.

DD7 has been obsessed with HP for more than a year now, with no signs of abating soon. If you're looking for suggestions, here are some itmes from that theme that we've gotten some good mileage out of:

- Costume. She was Hermione for Halloween last year, and with just some minor adjustments (new shirt, new skirt, wig) she was Ginny this year. She's already decided that next year she'll be Luna, which would require a little more work. She also puts on the robe at various other times during the year, to play in. If you're interested, I could check with DW to see where she got this one, because most costume robes are either awful quality or outrageously expensive (or both). This one was not very expensive, and as you can see by how much use it has survived, decent quality. Apart from the robe and the tie, the costume is pretty easy to put together from resources found at your favorite clothing store.

- The Hermione light-up wand: It's a wand, it's a light, it looks just like the kids in the movie using the Lumos spell, they can use it to read under the covers just like Harry did, etc. We bought another one for DD's friend's birthday, and they both loved it. Unintentional benefit, it also makes an awesome Halloween safety light (though DD initially protested that it turned her into Gin-ione this year).

- Lego Harry Potter video games: DD and I have been playing these together almost daily for a while now. They roughly follow the movies, with an interesting sense of humor about them.