Thought it might be fun to share ideas here.

I especially need suggestions for DS4--interests are the ocean (esp. deep sea), weather, geography, and games. We already have Scrambled States of America, which he loves, but DD is bored of it. He reads at about a 3rd grade level, more or less, although he will pore over nonfiction books written at a higher level than this. (Not huge on the DK books, though.) Games everyone can play together are always good, although we have many. He plays at about a 2nd grade level or higher.

DD8 has finally surrendered to Harry Potter. We have the books, but some other items might be fun if there is something neat out there. Her main request is a digital camera, so I need a rec there.

They both also like building. We have a wide variety of building stuff, but I'm open to new ideas. I am considering Capsela. We have lots of Legos, but no Mindstorms--can someone give me a rundown on that? They usually only build the kits once.