On the computer issue, we have used computers for other things with mixed success. If the computer instruction is something that my kids find engaging, then my kids have found computer work worthwhile. On the other hand, if it is something that my kids don't want to do then it is often easy to "cheat" on the computer and the whole thing is a waste of time. I don't know anything about the computer VT exercises. I do know that DD hated the regular exercises because they were hard work. I'd be concerned that she would figure out a way to "game the system" on the computer and not get much out of them. I could see her spending a half hour "doing" the exercises on the computer but not putting in the effort and/or being diligent about her technique. Do you think that your kid will be self-motivated on the VT computer exercises? Does the computer give feedback to you as the parent so that you can tell if the kid is faking it?