"Some numbers are negative, so they are below zero. Zero is kind of like the Equator. The Northern Hemisphere is like the positive numbers and the Southern Hemishere is like the negative. Except, that it's spring in the Southern Hemisphere right now...so I think THEY should be the positive half since temperatures get below zero in winter."

This is the exact type of thing my son does. It is his ability to find similarities, make connections between ideas and apply knowledge to new situations that make him seem gifted. At school he is a play doh and snack time loving social butterfly that hates seat work. He had an evaluation before early K and we shared the results with his teacher over the summer. I am sure after a month of school, she thinks he is a bright but normal boy. I am certain he has done nothing at school in the past month to make the teacher believe he is even moderately gifted much less exceptionally or profoundly gifted as his scores would indicate.

I don't have any advice. Just wanted to say, I am dealing with the same thing and I also think it is frustrating.