Originally Posted by ABQMom
Is it possible that the reason he is lying is because he sees it as the only way to have any control over how overwhelmed he is?

I wondered about this too. My ds12 (7th grade, 2nd year of middle school) doesn't have ADHD but has dysgraphia and an expressive language disorder, and homework can take him up to 3 times as long to complete as most of the neurotypical students in his class - not because he's not capable of doing it, simply because it takes a long time for him to "write" (even with his accommodations). He's also tired *really* really tired at the end of the typical school day, and I think it's easy as a parent to not realize or forget the effort it takes for kids with ADHD or learning challenges to hold everything together just getting through the school day. Disappearing into his video games when he gets home is his "out" to hide away from the world and recharge.

quote=ABQMom]We have an accomodation that allows us to diminish work load on nights when he's overwhelmed, and it completely changed his attitude. He needs down time - his poor brain is exhausted from keeping up at school and then being taxed with all the work that completely exhausts him in ways it doesn't for others.[/q]

Our ds also has this accommodation. Do you think your ds' teachers realize how much time your ds is spending on homework? If you haven't talked to them about their expectations, I'd do that right away. They may be thinking they are sending home assignments that are going to take 30 minutes to do and not realizing that 30 minutes is stretching into a much longer time for your ds.

Originally Posted by ABQMom
Unless you see the lying in other parts of his life, I'd see this as a cry for help and go back to the school and ask for reduced work load on nights that there is an inordinate amount of written work assigned or on nights when you can see your kiddo is more exhausted than usual.

I agree with ABQMom on all of this smile

Best wishes,


Last edited by polarbear; 10/09/12 10:22 AM.