Have you had the IEP team meeting and gone through the full IEP together, or is this just a draft copy prior to the meeting? Or... is this the "final" IEP and there wasn't ever a meeting? What I would do depends on the answer...

If it's just a draft prior to a team meeting where you will (together as a team) review the IEP and edit/update/change on as agreed by the team, then all I would do now is prepare a rational list of the reasons you believe that adding in a behavioral specialist isn't necessary at this point in time. Try to take the emotion out of it, just list the facts - previous issues in the classroom were likely due to an undiagnosed vision challenge. You could consider offering to revisit the issue in 6 months if behaviors in the classroom continue to be a problem after the IEP is in place.

If it's a "final" copy and you've already had the team meeting, you don't have to sign it, or you could sign it and disagree - there is a place on our school district IEPs forms for parents' comments, and that is where we put any disagreements or additional information we feel should be included with the IEP.

If the school staff insists that it must be included, then you need to know exactly what happens next in the IEP process in your school district if you don't sign in order to make your decision to sign or not sign. I'd suggest at this point, if you have access to an advocate that you can ask this question to (a local parent advocate) I'd do that right away before doing anything else.

Good luck!


ps - did the school mention the example you cited above (the ODD suggestion) at a team meeting or did a teacher mention it in a private conversation? I think that might be something I'd personally send back to the school in the form of an email - restate what was stated (at whatever meeting or conversation it was stated in), outline why you believe it is due to vision challenge rather than a behavioral issue, and send it to whoever was present when it was said. I've found in working with our school that when I did this type of documenting, issues like this sometimes disappeared and the school staff was much more willing to agree to my point of view smile

pps - I'm sorry I can't help with the gifted part - gifted IEPs (not really IEPs but more of a "plan" and IEPs are separate in our school district. The only place in which any "2e" shows up in our ds' IEP are the places where his ability and achievement scores are reported.

Last edited by polarbear; 09/14/12 05:43 PM.