My eldest, DD17, did the after school chess in K/1st (so age 5 or 6). She was pretty good and routinely beat 4th graders. She never was very interested in chess though, so she never learned any tactics/strategies. She always has had the ability to look a few moves ahead, and could beat adults at Connect 4 at age 5 or 6.

She is likely MG based upon FSIQ and other testing. She is still fairly good at chess, though she goes a few years between games. Last year (11th grade) she was on a school trip and there was a chess board in the hotel game area/library. A friend challenged her to a game, warned her that he was pretty good at chess, and within 10 minutes she had won. It is interesting that she has always been good at chess, since I think of that as a math type activity. She is not into math, and languages are her strength.