I'd think that it'd be well evident by late Kindy whether or not he seems to be exhibiting any other signs, or if the peers seem to be catching up to him, etc.

Late kindy is too late, unfortunately. Well, I mean, it isn't--but the die will be cast by then and it will be harder for us to pursue other options, for various ridiculously complex reasons relating to our local school system. We basically need to make our bets by January.

My concern would not be "is he gifted," but "is he gifted in such a way that he's assured of a 130 on the school's test."

I have some concerns about this as well. MY DD was closer to the line than I thought she would be (although she took the RIAS, and the results were a little weird). I would say that I am 90% confident he has no LDs, though. I just don't see it.

Last edited by ultramarina; 09/11/12 01:10 PM.