I wonder if you can use all those services as a way of building in a "mental health" day each week. I don't know how straining each of these services will be BUT if you can do them all in one day, say on Wednesday, you can break up the challenges of the school week. I.e. 2 days of school, Wed morning drive the 45 minutes do one of the services, take a break for lunch then do the other service and counseling, then drive the 45 minutes back, then 2 more days of school. Or maybe do this every Friday so has a shortened 4 day school week.

I have begun to schedule appointments for the afternoon, just before school gets out. School can be SO stressful for 2E kids. I'm with DeeDee - my DD's schedule includes dance classes, swim lessons, horseback riding, acting, classes, etc. For her these sorts of activities are as important as any therapy.

Good luck!