Hi Leahchris,

Yes, this is one of the hardest things: squeezing in all these things, while knowing that this kid needs more, not less, time to relax.

Our DS got OT and PT for a while through school; but the bulk of his therapy has taken place at home. We were able to get ABA therapy, which had the enormous advantage of working on all the issues, including gross and fine motor, social language, social psychology, interaction skills, many different things. This meant that providers came to us, DS worked hard but mostly in our house, and we were able to deal with fewer people.

If something like that isn't available to you, you may have to prioritize. Get what you can done at school. Figure out how to meet some needs by doing something fun and relaxing-- we have variously done swim lessons and horseback riding to work on gross motor skills. Or decide that you are going to work on some things for a while, then tackle something else.

This is a marathon, not a sprint. I am strongly in favor of getting all the therapy that is needed, and my DS has been overscheduled since kindergarten as a result (and, by the way, he has learned to cope with that); but you do have to make choices that can be sanely managed within the resources of your family.
