Originally Posted by marytheres
As an aside, once dyslesxia is diagnosed does insurance cover any of the costs in general of treating that? special tutors or whatever? Just wondering in case my son ends up witht hat diagnosis eventually.
I work in healthcare and our insurance is through my employer. I am very familiar with our insurance and have already checked on all of these things. We have "basic vision" which will cover the cost of a regular eye exam, but not a developmental exam. They will not cover any treatment (OT, PT, vision therapy) for anything they view as a "chronic" condition not an acute condition. So, for example, my dd13 was dx with dyspraxia and SPD at 7. They won't cover a retest now that she is 13 b/c, even if they are no longer diagnosable and even though they are treatable, the types of things that the OT would be testing for are considered potentially chronic.

Convergence insufficiency and dyslexia are also considered chronic in their estimation even though they are/may be treatable so no testing or treatment for either is covered. For vision therapy, we'd be looking at $600-800/month. This could, obviously, add up quite quickly.