Not sure what legal footing you have, but it sounds as if you are describing "encopresis", which is most definitely a medical condition just as asthma, migraines, seizures, and diabetes (I mention these specifically because there can be an emotional interplay with those conditions as well) .

You may have had this work-up already; if so, disregard

I see kids with encopresis all the time. Whether it was anxiety or a physical issue that triggered the almost always spirals into a viscious cycle of fear - holding - accident - pain - shame - fear and so on that results in concrete physical complications such as anal fissures/tears, slack anal muscles, chronic constipation, fecal compaction and even serious issues like megacolon.

I send all my encopretic kids to their PCP to rule out medical complications or causes including food intolerances, endocrine issues, and the physical problems mentioned above. The PCP can put a plan to address issues such as fiber therapy or miralax and so on.

I would approach the administrator with the facts that encopresis is not the same as "late potty-training", and is every bit as discriminatory to keep your ds out as not letting a child with a colostomy into the program.

Last edited by Evemomma; 08/16/12 03:23 PM.