Hi and welcome. For us preschool was all about play with no academics (would never have found a good fit anyway). Last year was good when DS did 2 mornings a week at a Montessori preschool with children 6-18 months older. He out grew most of the 3-6 year old equipment before he started but socially he became more confident and learnt to be with other adults and children. We play and do experiments, read+++ at home. This year has been trickier as he is with age peers 5 days a fortnight. We chose not to start school early but he will go into gr 1 next year ( and still need more). We plan to test around 6. DS at that age loved documentaries about space and building eg subways/sewer systems which provided a little downtime. Enjoy the journey, exhausting it may be, challenging as it may be, but you are bound to have fun along the way as well!