My son is 3 years old (just turned 3). He is reading, writing, counting to 100 (by 2s and 10s too), is working on learning how to count money, and is basically a little sponge. He has been doing all those things for more than a year now. He has an insatiable thirst for learning, and my husband and I are finding it difficult to quench his thirst ourselves.

We have asked our pediatrician what to do. Our pediatrician has told us numerous times that he is profoundly gifted but that kids his age are not tested, and that we have to wait until he's 5 or 6.

We are first time parents. We have no idea where to go with all of this. Some of the preschools we've visited want to put him in with 5 year olds. Some have flat out told us that they won't be able to meet his education needs because he's too far ahead.

I guess what I'm asking is for any tips, help, or advice you can give or if you know any types of programs that are designed for gifted preschoolers.

Thanks in advance for your help. It is very much appreciated.