My jitters are not academic at the moment. I am worried that my petite four year old may be bullied, that she won't get along with her teacher because of her strong personality, that lunch/snack time will be a mess because she has a restricted diet. I am worried that we won't be able to find her in what we have been told is an elaborate drop off and pick-up method. And I am worried that instead of smiling and waving at her confidently on that first day, that I'll bawl and send her off poorly.

DD is chomping at the bit to go to kindergarten and I think its going be a great experience for her. I just have that small list of worries.

Editing to add: DD's school scores poorly on math. They have the class do math as a group with a giant touch screen. I figure DD will learn to speak and problem solve in front of a group from that activity and we can do math easily at home. I'm planning to do a fair amount of fun afterschooling at this point and to take each year as it comes.

Last edited by sparrow; 08/07/12 03:45 PM.