St. Paulie Girl,

Thanks for your advice. My sister is a K teacher (moved to first grade this year), and she keeps reminding me to 'be patient' instead of coming in like gang-busters and having the teacher biased against anything I say about him in the future.

I really don't know what to expect with the levels of learning. I try not to talk about where DS is with this compared to his peers because it seems to 'braggy'. I have one friend in the same district whose son was somewhat advanced with reading/math (not reading at start of school but quickly progressed), and he was placed midyear with the first-graders for those subjects. Not sure if that is standard practice here though.


How awesome to have a teacher so invested already. I don't have anything to even give a teacher at this point. We've never done any evals...I'm only 'assuming' he's gifted until proven otherwise (new acronym, GUP) since his pediatrician and a good friend kept prompting me to do some looking into it. I'm new to this giftedness stuff. We knew he was smart and doing things early, but I guess we are hard to impress? I guess we'll see what K holds and if testing would be prudent at some point (they don't even do GT identification here until 3rd grade, frown).