Who says that homeschooling is the ultimate learning environment?
Exactly. It's not always the right fit.
AND it's not always done properly. A friend of mine who teaches in public high school says that many of the home school kids they get who transition back to public school are at a lower level than their public school grade peers. (I'm guessing this isn't in reference to the G&T kids who are home schooled to accelerate - different story for them, maybe...) But many, many of the neuro-typical kids who are home schooled apparently don't get a complete education, mostly because the parents who do it haven't been able to fully prepare themselves (i.e. teaching techniques, curriculum content, etc etc). There are some parents who shouldn't home school (i.e. too busy?) who try anyway, and sometimes the kids suffer as a result.
Btw, I'm very pro-home school, generally speaking, and many parents do a fantastic job... I considered doing it myself... but some family situations are not optimized for it.
Don't feel guilty... omgosh... I don't think I could PARENT five kids, let alone home school them! lol