Thanks, Ultralight Hiker. Now I understand.

Sometimes deficits in working memory simply need learned workarounds in order to perform at the highest level. My spouse is profoundly gifted (ceilinged somewhere above 185), but he can't remember his times tables or numbers in a problem. But he can add up and down from the few times tables he does remember with more speed than I can use a calculator.

My youngest has severe working memory issues, and it has depressed his IQ scores where he doesn't qualify for gifted classes, but he has all the same traits as his father and siblings.

His older brother has no working memory issues and does have a much easier time with IQ tests, but he doesn't come up with as many way outside the box solutions as his younger brother who can't qualify.

I'm not sold that WM is a necessary component to be gifted, but I am likely in the minority.