Willa Gayle,
You offered really good advice and then made me laugh! Thank you.

I hadn't considered having him write a letter. That's a good idea. My last words to him this morning were do not argue with her and jeopardize your own future plans. I told him to let me handle it. Writing a letter himself is better because it can�t be construed as argumentative.

Thanks you for your thoughtful comments also! I may have misled you about him regarding the fact that he has been picked on quite a bit. He has been, however, he is an extremely self-assured and outgoing kid. He often comes across as if he considers himself more a businessman, instructor, authority figure, ect. than a 1st-5th-grade student. He comes by this honestly, his dad is an ESTJ (go figure). That�s the reason he is often a target. Kids and some teachers feel a need to put him in his place.

He has been advocating for himself since third grade. Although he is verbally proficient and confident at debate, he bites his tongue and censures himself carefully at school. I will pick up your first book suggestion tonight. I actually have it somewhere in the house.

Thanks again for the supportive advice.
