We have a lot of the type of issues that polarbear mentioned, with DS9. It was only a couple of years ago, maybe less, that I finally looked up that term, "apraxia", that people here talked about, and figured out that's what DS had!

I have always described it as a total lack of kinesthesia (body sense). He didn't learn to tie his shoes till he was 8, and he still can't ride a bike. When I would try to teach him something like how to hold his fingers in the right position for something (like holding a pencil, etc.), he would look at my fingers and do something totally different with his, even though it was obvious he was concentrating really hard on trying to make his fingers look like mine. There was just no connection between what his brain was telling his body to do and what his body was actually doing.

He's gotten better over the years, and he seems to have a better sense of balance these days, but there are still some trials.

It can be really frustrating -- all the things the brain can do, but the body lags behind.