I think a lot of GT kids will rise to the level of their peers (and sink as well). My DS was always kind of a teacher pleaser, so we didn't have issues of him getting in trouble, but he was always fascinated with the troublemakers, finding them very entertaining. When he skipped 1st, he commented on how much better behaved the 2nd graders were compared with the kindgergartners. There was only one kid in his local school 2nd grade that was sort of a trouble-maker, and surprise surprise, he was much better behaved when they started giving him more advanced work. Each year the kids get better. Hopefully next year, if your son goes to the same GT camp, he'll get to go with grademates instead of agemates. Our local camps are set up more by grade than age.
I'm glad your son wasn't too upset about the teacher's comment. It's possible it was more of an exasperated response from the teacher than a judging comment, but you never know. I agree that laughing at someone doing something funny is pretty darn appropriate.