smile DS once picked up a PhD candidate at the coffee shop we used to go to... he was discussing steam trains, and the guy was in some kind of physics or engineering or something. It was totally cute, because it was far enough outside the student's actual area he kept confusing himself (or possibly he was just incredible with kids)

ok, for now I will work on getting over it, I think. It kinda excites me to do that, which is probably a good sign. Maybe part of the problem with the comments is how exuberant DS is... It would be virtually impossible to complain about me not "letting him be a kid," when he's barely letting me catch my breath and my coffee's getting cold wink

The pace of our conversation over books is generally close to the border of allowable public exuberance, but it's not like we're in 5 star restaurants at dinnertime, we tend to go in the morning to noisy coffee shops that cater to the boysterous and have 3 espresso machines going non-stop.

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!