Thanks for good information, I will do some more search on this topic and set up a inital consultation app with Dr.

He does have a jacket in his backpack when he goes to school for 'just in case' and still he wants to wear under shirt and T-shirt.

I am usually the 'soft' one whenever he is being anxious, and try to ensure him and make promises (to pick him up, that everything will be ok) and try to remind him afterward, like 'see, everything IS ok'. His dad is more like to tell him 'stop whining', 'be a man'. But I don't see either way works well, he will often has tears in eyes and not give in.

and by the way, what is 'high LOG gifted'? I noticed my son is smart and fast learner at very young age, but never really thought he is gifted, until he was selected into gifted program at school and also had a WISC-IV test (FSIQ 159). I also learned the term 'twice exceptional' kids and not sure if he is one of those. I am very sure he does not have ADHD or any learning disability or other behaivor problems, but maybe with anxiety issues.