Originally Posted by islandofapples
Even though 130ish is supposedly in the socially optimal range... I still feel like it helps explain why my childhood was so difficult.
I sort of question this assumption as well, honestly. I can't see as how being in about 2% of the general population would put one in a spot where s/he is similar enough intellectually to be socially optimal. I guess that it depends on where one lives. As an undergrad at Berkeley, I do think that I fit fine b/c the population as a whole was skewed toward brighter than average. When I've lived in areas where the general population is statistically fairly normal, I've found that 98 percentile people or those who are somewhat higher, but not necessarily PG are still a bit atypical and I wouldn't call it socially optimal.

IMHO, if the only factor we're taking into account is IQ score, socially optimal would be more like 110-115: bright enough to seem smart, but not so much so as to appear strangely different. This, again is assuming that one lives in a statistically average location.