I am a qualitatively gifted, sensitive and perceptive adult, but always deliberately underachieved in school, which inhibited the pronouncement of my true abilities. It is personally extremely important for me to understand and quantify why I am the way I am, but have yet to do so in any definitive way. I want to know what my actual IQ is without the distortion from my intrinsic self limiting mentality, however I have only been able to expose and utilize my full faculties when I was in danger(silly as that may sound, it exemplifies my predicament). My IQ scores throughout school seemed to decline from about 130 to 115(stanford binet) by graduation, resulting from the accumulation of my inhibition and underachievement. I am fairly certain my actual IQ is higher, based on how fast I think, learn, and perceive things, but need it measured to get a girlfriend and meet people at Mensa

. I would like to subject my self to neuro-psychological testing, but feel it will be partially inaccurate, since I am the one in control of my responses.
What forms of assessment are least susceptible to this type of skewing?
Is it possible to develop a healthy identity without being surrounded by other gifted individuals? Are there any recommended directories for counsellors that can help gifted people grow into their own skin so to speak?