Originally Posted by Terrilth
She's very hard to please sometimes. lol
No, not at all. My dd13 was the same way and I didn't view it as hard to please so much as it being hard to find a program that was truly designed for a HG introvert with a major passion area that had been an interest for her since she was a toddler. It is really hard to find a good fit for kids who want more than "looking at bugs."

I'd suggest staying away from academic programs aimed toward kids her age and even gifted kids her age. We've found pretty much what you found with the community college program -- too busy and not really designed for our dd's level of interest/knowledge/giftedness.

The things that my dd really enjoyed at that age included:

* SCUBA Rangers (youth SCUBA intro program done in indoor pools usually through local SCUBA shops) She also did "specialty" Ranger classes after getting her first SCUBA Ranger certification which included ways to identify critters in dark water (they blacked out the windows and had flashing lights on their tanks and hand held lights)

* Once she was a bit older (10 was the minimum here), we started volunteering at the humane society and our local raptor rehab program also takes youth volunteers with adult partners/helpers

If I think of anything else, I'll post it!